- When you enter you will be required to register yourself, upon doing so, you will receive an email. Once you've received this please click the 'Activate' link in the email to confirm the set up.
- You will then be able to complete your entry. All entries to the awards are free of charge.
- You can return at any point using your login credentials to manage your account and modify your entry until the closing date.
- To enter the awards please complete an entry form on the website filling out all relevant fields and uploading your PDF submission for each category.
- PDF submissions should be approximately 1000 words fulfilling the category criteria – entries that do not comply will be marked down or rejected.
- Read the description of the category you wish to enter carefully to ensure you are eligible to make an entry.
- Deadline for entering: Friday 23 May 2025, 17:00 BST
Airfreight Solution of the Year
This award will be presented for an outstanding project cargo shipment that has been executed by air in the last 12 months. This category can be entered by an airline, operator, forwarder, or as a combined entry from partners on a specific project.
This project solution could include multiple flights or utilise the full capacity of an aircraft. Entries could include examples of bespoke engineering or consider ground handling and equipment challenges.
The judges will be looking for a company or partnership that has demonstrated:
- The timely delivery of a complex project
- Safe and efficient loading procedures
- Customer satisfaction
- A thorough knowledge of the challenges involved in the movement of project cargo by air
- Evidence of how these challenges have been overcome in this specific project

Environment Award
This award will be presented to the company that has shown a considered approach to environmental concerns through either an initiative launched in the past 12 months, or within the day-to-day running of operations in the past 12 months and the long-term strategy of the organisation.
The judges will be looking for evidence of one or more of the following:
- The operation of and investment in low-emission equipment and technology
- Compliance with – or keeping ahead of – the latest environmental regulations affecting the sector
- Planning for future changes in environmental policy
- The development of a thorough understanding of respective environmental concerns, and the training of staff in these challenges
- Putting environmental concerns at the forefront of activities
- The establishment of a clear and sound governance structure to review sustainability policies and performance progress against goals and targets

Excellence in Engineering
This award will be presented to the transport engineering team that, during the last 12 months, has demonstrated its ability to overcome unusual transport and installation challenges, using customised engineering solutions and deploying innovative engineering methods to maximise the potential of equipment.
The judges will be looking for evidence of:
- High-quality engineering solutions that demonstrates innovative use of equipment
- The deployment of engineering solutions to improve safety across the project
- Commitment to cost-efficiency and minimised disruption for the client
- Extensive planning and a proactive approach to the client’s request

Innovation Award
This award will be presented to the company that has developed an innovative piece of equipment or technology designed to improve the lift or transport of heavy and oversize cargoes.
The judges will be looking for a product that demonstrates one or more of the following:
- Innovative thinking
- Clear enhancements in handling capabilities and durability
- Improvements in cost and time efficiencies for the customer
- A step forward in terms of technology • High safety and environmental standards
- Tangible results that can be quantified, qualified and substantiated by examples.
*Entries must be based on an initiative that has been launched and is in use. Concepts will not be considered by the judges.

Lifetime Achievement Award
This award will be presented to the individual that has made a long-lasting impact on the heavy lift, specialised transport and project forwarding industry.
The Lifetime Achievement Award will recognise an individual for a lifetime of innovation and leadership.
Overland Transport Provider of the Year
This award will be presented to an equipment-owning company that has executed an outstanding overland project cargo movement – by road, rail or inland waterway – in the last 12 months. Entries should demonstrate a commitment to the safe, efficient and innovative transport of heavy and oversize project cargoes.
The judges will be looking for:
- The timely delivery of a complex project
- Commitment to improved safety standards across the project
- Customer satisfaction
- A thorough knowledge of the challenges involved in the overland movement of project cargo
- Evidence of how these challenges have been overcome in this specific project through the use of equipment, technology or planning

Port / Terminal Operator of the Year
This award will be presented to the port authority or terminal operator that has demonstrated its commitment to handling heavy lift cargoes over the last 12 months.
The judges will be looking for evidence of:
- Safe and efficient handling of oversize cargoes
- Investment in new equipment and facilities for the storing and handling of oversize cargoes
- Maintenance of existing facilities
- Minimised waiting times for customers and examples of how present market volatility is being mitigated for the benefit of users
- Investment in technology to optimise loading procedures

Project Logistics Provider of the Year
This award will be presented to a logistics provider of any size that has developed its project cargo services to adapt to new market opportunities and challenges, as well as customer demands.
The judges will be looking for evidence of how this development - alongside sound technical capability and high safety standards - has shaped the success of your project forwarding business and prepared your company for the future. They will be looking for examples from the past year that demonstrate what sets you apart from the competition.
Entries should include evidence of:
- Strategy for growth and enhancement of current services
- A deep understanding of your client base and their requirements
- An ability to adapt to changing market conditions
- A considered approach to safety and environmental issues within the organisation

Project of the Year
This award will be presented to a logistics provider for the successful coordination of a large-scale, complex logistics project, involving the delivery of multiple oversize and/or heavy cargoes.
This award can be entered jointly to reflect logistics and/or transport partners or individually if you are the project lead.
The judges will be looking for a project that demonstrates:
- Unique techniques and innovative approaches to overcome project challenges
- The use of multiple transport modes
- The employment of advanced equipment and/or technology
Entries should include evidence/examples of:
- Detailed planning
- Safety considerations
- How efficiencies were realised, or risks mitigated, for the client
*Entered projects could be ongoing but must have reached a milestone in the past 12 months

Safety and Training Award
This award will be presented to a company that has a comprehensive or innovative approach to safety and training either through day-to-day operations, by providing dedicated programmes and continuous professional development, or launching a specific initiative designed to improve the training or safety in a particular area of operation.
Our judges will be looking for a company or team that has consistently upheld the highest safety and training standards.
Entries should include evidence of:
- A well-considered, consistent and successful approach to training staff in the relevant and up to date safety standards
- A superior safety record and an active commitment to improving standards
- Unique training techniques, potentially utilising new technology or equipment
The success of the safety and training programme – testimonials from those that have been trained by the company; clear evidence of progression from those that have taken part in the programme

Ship Operator of the Year - geared vessels
This award will be presented to a carrier that operates geared vessels (i.e. multipurpose/heavy lift vessels) and has demonstrated its ability to successfully and efficiently support the movement of heavy and oversize project cargoes around the world by sea in the past 12 months.
Entries should demonstrate the carrier’s ability to adapt its business to challenging market conditions and the changing needs of its customers.
The judges will want to see evidence of:
- An optimised fleet capable of supporting a wide range of customers and markets
- A practical example of how environmental performance has been improved
- An example of a project that demonstrates operational excellence
- Transparent environmental, social, and governance policies
- KPIs indicating:
- Performance: arrival inside laycan ratio March 1, 2024 – March 1, 2025
- Safety: Lost time incident rate across your company, and figures pertaining to near misses
- The means by which a shipping line collects feedback from its customers, and how this data is used to make service improvements
Entries must include:
- Testimonials from clients
- Examples of clear commitment to safety and efficiency
- Examples of shipments completed in past 12 months

Ship Operator of the Year - non geared vessels
This award will be presented to a carrier that operates non-geared vessels (i.e. containerships, ro-ro carriers, semi-submersible deck carriers, general cargo ships) and has demonstrated its ability to successfully and efficiently support the movement of heavy and oversize project cargoes around the world by sea in the past 12 months. Entries should demonstrate the carrier’s ability to adapt its business to challenging market conditions and the changing needs of its customers.
The judges will want to see evidence of:
- An optimised fleet capable of supporting a wide range of customers and markets
- A practical example of how environmental performance has been improved
- An example of a project/heavy lift shipment that demonstrates operational excellence
- Transparent environmental, social, and governance policies
- KPIs indicating:
- Performance: arrival inside laycan ratio March 1, 2024 – March 1, 2025
- Safety: Lost time incident rate across the company, and figures pertaining to near misses
- The means by which a shipping line collects feedback from its customers, and how this data is used to make service improvements
Entries must include:
- Testimonials from clients
- Examples of clear commitment to safety and efficiency
- Examples of shipments completed in past 12 months